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Austin Wang

Austin Wang

Payment Solutions @ Ksher



COVID已经改变了整个支付生态系统,非接触式交易的流行比以前预期的要早得多。在东南亚,APM(Altevative Payment Method)替代支付方式的兴起,带来了该地区金融格局的巨变。


随着企业开始全面接受数字化销售以应对危机,移动商务 (mCommerce) 的受欢迎程度迅速上升。在过去六个月中,79% 的移动用户使用他们的移动设备进行了网上购物。2020 年移动商务渗透率在印度尼西亚超过 79%,在泰国超过 74%,在菲律宾超过 69%,在马来西亚超过 68%,在越南超过 61%,在新加坡超过 56%。[1]

菲律宾仍然是增长最快的电子商务市场之一,其大多数消费者严重依赖移动设备进行网上购物——2020 年该国社交媒体用户数量在短短 9 个月内增加了 580 万人。[2]

在完成支付方面,预计移动应用程序也将超过互联网浏览器。虽然电子商户需要有一个适合移动设备的网站,但这还不足以在电子商务领域取得成功。据预测,2021 年将是移动购物应用程序蓬勃发展的一年,它们最终将成为移动商务增长的未来。

事实上,据估计 85% 的消费者更喜欢移动应用程序而不是移动网站,这意味着购物应用程序的转化率高于移动网站。如果电子卖家想在 2021 年及以后保持相关性,他们就不能忽视这一趋势。[3]


东南亚有大量没有银行账户的人,截至 2020 年约有 73% 或 4.7 亿人没有银行账户。这是一个极高的数字,表明与其他地区相比,东南亚的基本金融服务渗透率较低 地区。 柬埔寨是远远落后的国家之一,只有 5% 的人口可以获得传统银行服务。 在这样的背景下,数字驱动的替代支付系统使东南亚人能够享受银行服务的好处,而无需访问传统银行服务。 不断发展的支付生态系统加速了经济的增长和发展。

东南亚缺乏传统银行服务的主要原因之一是COVID-19之前人们对现金的极端依赖。但是,在 COVID 之后,消费者对现金的依赖性下降。 印度尼西亚、马来西亚、泰国和新加坡 61% 的消费者同样喜欢实时支付和现金支付。



电子商务行业也将在该地区稳步上升,迫使商家与时俱进。 2020年,东南亚电商市场增长了惊人的63%,总量达到620亿美元。

  • 在马来西亚,近一半的网上购物是通过数字银行应用程序进行的(46%)。
  • 越南消费者开始享受网上银行转账的便利(超过 26% 的购物者),但主要使用信用卡和借记卡支付(35%)。
  • 印度尼西亚人 (34%) 主要使用信用卡进行网上购物,但不如严重依赖传统信用卡支付方式的新加坡人 (75%) 多。
  • 菲律宾的消费者仍然更喜欢使用现金 (37%) 进行网上购物,其次是银行转账 (29%),然后是信用卡/借记卡 (22%)。
  • 泰国在COVID期间,国家标准的二维码支付(Promptpay)得到了飞速的发展,迅速覆盖城市的线下线上支付场景。

中小企业在 2021 年提供与大品牌相同的收单能力,在线支付解决方案确保规模不再是问题,无论企业有多大或多小。



新加坡处于替代支付生态系统的前沿。 根据报告,新加坡数字支付领域的总交易额预计将在 2021 年达到 112 亿美元,2021 年至 2025 年的复合年增长率为 22.7%,到 2025 年将达到 254 亿美元。此外,根据 Visa 调查,66% 新加坡消费者现已形成无现金支付习惯,选择使用卡或移动应用程序支付。 该国的主要参与者包括 CardUp、2C2P 和 Liquid Group。


在采用替代支付方式方面,马来西亚紧随新加坡之后。 一份报告表明,该国 40% 的人使用该技术。 该国顶级的替代支付服务提供商是 Boost、Touch n Go、GrabPay 和 PayPal。 Boost 在超过 140,000 个地点被广泛接受。 根据 Worldpay 和 FIS 的全球支付报告,马来西亚 14% 的电子商务支付是使用数字/移动钱包进行的。 该国的主要参与者包括 Ksher、2C2P 和 iPay88。


印度尼西亚处于东南亚数字采用的最前沿。 据报道,印尼央行表示,2020年电子货币交易额达到139.5亿美元,同比增长38.62%。 GoPay 和 OVO 是月活跃用户数最多的数字钱包。 Dana 和 LinkAja 最近获得了关注。 根据 Worldpay 和 FIS 的全球支付报告,数字/移动钱包是电子商务交易的首选支付方式。


随着柬埔寨的 COVID 病例激增,该国中央银行和小额信贷协会敦促人们限制现金的使用。 根据最近的一份报告,截至 2020 年,柬埔寨的数字支付采用率为 40%。 流行的替代支付方式包括 TrueMoney Cambodia,Ly Hour Paypro,Pi Pay 和 SmartLuy。


自COVID爆发以来,这个东南亚国家在数字支付和替代支付渠道方面取得了强劲增长。 根据路透社最近的一份报告,泰国的数字支付在 2021 年 2 月飙升至去年同期的两倍,通过 PromptPay 平台进行的交易量平均每天为 2230 万笔。 主要的数字支付参与者是Ksher, Omise 和 2C2P。





Tie-up to help SMEs process e-payments

Austin Wang

Austin Wang

Payment Solutions @ Ksher

Visa is partnering with Ksher, a local e-payments startup, to make it easier for small and medium-sized enterprises and individuals to accept Visa payments.

Through this partnership, Ksher aims to enable over 10,000 online merchants to digitise and simplify their payments process by the end of this year.

"Today's consumers are changing. They expect frictionless payments that are fast, convenient and secure," said Suripong Tantiyanon, country manager of Visa Thailand.

"Enabling online sellers, regardless of their size, to accept digital payments will translate to more selling opportunities, improved operational efficiencies, and a better focus on growing their businesses," said Mr Suripong.

Token trade reined in U.S. Inflation Is Highest in 13 Years as Prices Surge 5% Aug 1 opening sought for Samui, Phangan and Tao islands "Visa is committed to helping any business, regardless their size or location, to have the tools needed to attract and serve more customers. This is particularly important in the current environment where we have seen a significant increase in e-commerce. We are delighted to partner with Ksher to create more opportunities for businesses to grow and thrive in the digital economy."

Ksher will focus on introducing LinkPay, an instantly deployable payment product that can be used by sellers wherever they sell.

To pay, customers must scan a QR code or click a link. Once complete, they will be taken to a secure page where they can add their credit card or debit card details and pay. LinkPay will then authenticate the purchase, match payments to orders, and send a notification of the transaction to the seller and buyer to show a purchase has been completed.

LinkPay will allow sellers to manage orders and check their balance from anywhere and this can be shared across multiple platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, Line, YouTube and WhatsApp.

Santit Jirawongkraisorn, senior vice-president of Ksher, said: "As a leading digital payments service provider, we continue to explore opportunities and pioneer new products that will empower Thai businesses."

"Our goal is to pave the way for sellers to participate in the new social and digital economy by making it simpler and easier to accept digital payments regardless of where they sell from. Our partnership with Visa means we will be able to offer a seamless and secure digital payment method to Thailand's growing number of online sellers and give them access to digitised solutions which simplify and standardise payments."

Over the past year, Thai consumers have turned to digital payments when shopping, with 21% of people using QR codes to pay for the first time.

Visa's latest consumer payment preference study found more than three in four Thais use QR code payments (77%) at least once a week. Gen Y (48%) is most familiar with using QR codes for payments, followed by Gen X (40%) and Gen Z (38%).

"The rise of tech-savvy consumers, more flexibility in how and where we work, and the need for speed, security and convenience are shifting the commerce landscape in Thailand. That means we need to think creatively about solutions we provide to today's sellers to enable them to keep up with the changing behaviours and habits," said Mr Suripong. "We are excited about the possibility of reaching more small and agile merchants in partnership with Ksher and we look forward to a long and fruitful relationship."


Austin Wang

Austin Wang

Payment Solutions @ Ksher

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