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Run from demo code#

  1. Install nodejs on you computer.
  2. Check your nodejs working with your computer by using
node -v
  1. clone Ksher nodejs repository by
git clone
  1. cd into clone source code and Install dependencies package by
cd payment_sdk_nodejs
npm install
  1. Change configuration host and token by edit at path /example/setting.json
// Please use you own host address and token...
const setting = {
"host": "",
"token": "your token",
  1. Start server by
npm run serve-example

Demo code is base on KOA Framework

you can learn more from

  1. Enter http://localhost:3000/demo.html will display demo website

Alterative way you can call API localhost over postman by

POST over http://localhost:3000/api/orderCreate

with Request Body

"amount": 100,
"merchant_order_id": "2022063010481",
"note": "string",
"redirect_url": "",
"redirect_url_fail": "",
"timestamp": "2022051900"

Advance Config Running Code#

1. Install only SDK#

You can use package manager to install ksher-pay SDK.

1.1. npm#

Visit our npm at here

npm install ksher-pay

1.2. yarn#

yarn add ksher-pay

2. configuration data#

2.1 Prepare the configuration data#

// Please use you own host address and token...
const setting = {
"host": "",
"token": "your token",

2.2. Import the SDK#

const PaymentSDK = require("ksher-pay");
const MySDK = new PaymentSDK(setting);

3. Redirect API#

3.1. Initialize redirect SDK#

// SDK for redirect
const redirectAppSDK = require('ksher-pay/src/redirect')
const MyRedirectAppSDK = new redirectAppSDK(setting);

3.2. Redirect API Create new order#

const data = {
note: "Note to this order",
redirect_url: "",
redirect_url_fail: "",
timestamp: "1623058159665", // timestamp
amount: 100, // the unit is cent.
merchant_order_id: "202106070001" // this should be uniq
console.log(data) // order created successfully
console.log(data.reference) //Here is the payment link
}).catch(err => {
console.log(err) //error

3.3. Redirect API Query order status#

const order_id = "202106070001" // order id
const data = {
timestamp: "1623058159665", // time stamp
MySDK.orderQuery(order_id, data).then(({data})=>{
}).catch(err => {

3.4. Redirect Refund#

const order_id = '202106070001'
const data = {
refund_order_id: "123456789001",
timestamp: "1623058159665",
refund_amount: 100
MySDK.orderRefund(order_id, data).then(({data})=>{
}).catch(err => {

4. alipay miniapp API#

4.1. Initialize miniapp SDK#

// SDK for redirect
const miniappAppSDK = require('ksher-pay/src/miniapp')
const MyMiniAppSDK = new miniappAppSDK(setting);

4.2. Create new order for alipay miniapp#

4.2.1. Get orderStr#
const data = {
amount: 100, // the unit is cent.
merchant_order_id: "202106070001", // this should be uniq
timestamp: "1623058159665", // timestamp
note: 'some note for this order',
channel: 'alipay',
miniapp_openid: 'alipayOpenId', // alipay user's openid
miniapp_appid: 'alipayAppid', // appid of alipay miniapp
console.log(data.reference) // the orderStr
}).catch(err => {
4.2.2. Pay in alipay miniapp#
// run in alipay miniapp
my.tradePay({ orderStr: 'the reference value' })

5. C scan B API#

5.1. Initialize C scan B SDK#

// SDK for C scan B
const KsherCscanbSDK = require('ksher-pay/src/cscanb')
const ksherCscanb = new KsherCscanbSDK(setting);

5.2. C scan B API Create new order#

const data = {
note: "Note to this order",
channel: "promptpay", // channel to pay
timestamp: "1623058159665", // timestamp
amount: 100, // the unit is cent.
merchant_order_id: "202106070001" // this should be uniq
console.log(data) // order created successfully
console.log(data.reserved1) //Here is base64 image QR code
}).catch(err => {
console.log(err) //error

5.3. C scan B API Query order status#

const order_id = "202106070001" // order id
const data = {
timestamp: "1623058159665", // time stamp
MySDK.orderQuery(order_id, data).then(({data})=>{
}).catch(err => {

5.4. C scan B Refund#

const order_id = '202106070001'
const data = {
refund_order_id: "123456789001",
timestamp: "1623058159665",
refund_amount: 100
MySDK.orderRefund(order_id, data).then(({data})=>{
}).catch(err => {

6. B scan C API#

6.1. Initialize B scan C SDK#

// SDK for B scan C
const KsherBscancSDK = require('ksher-pay/src/bscanc')
const ksherBscanc = new KsherBscancSDK(setting);

6.2. B scan C API Create new order#

const data = {
note: "Note to this order",
channel: "truemoney", // channel to pay
timestamp: "1623058159665", // timestamp
amount: 100, // the unit is cent.
merchant_order_id: "202106070001", // this should be uniq
auth_code: "xxxxxxxxxx", // data reader QR code from customer
console.log(data) // order created successfully
console.log(data.status) // Here is status payment
}).catch(err => {
console.log(err) //error

6.3. B scan C API Query order status#

const order_id = "202106070001" // order id
const data = {
timestamp: "1623058159665", // time stamp
MySDK.orderQuery(order_id, data).then(({data})=>{
}).catch(err => {

6.4. B scan C Refund#

const order_id = '202106070001'
const data = {
refund_order_id: "123456789001",
timestamp: "1623058159665",
refund_amount: 100
MySDK.orderRefund(order_id, data).then(({data})=>{
}).catch(err => {

7. Verify signature#

Verify signature from the webhook request

// this is a simple webhook
const webhookUrl = ''; // you webhook url
const data = {
type: 'Order',
instance: '1623817182537',
code: 'StatusChange',
message: 'Order Paid',
signature: '944EFC0C6DB000A28C7BACEC6709AF119586F4E361F908DEAC576DA937A6F746'
const valid = MySDK.checkSignature(webhookUrl, data)

8. Reference#

The source code of the SDK is hosted in github, you are welcome to raise issue and PR.